Your school bag is packed, your brand-new outfit is picked out, and your lunch box is in the fridge – you’re ready for your first day back at school…

We’re nostalgic at The Fritter Shop about back to school. Whether you’re in elementary, high school, college, university or even parents sending your kids off to school, this time of year is always highly anticipated.

We always get excited and feel the buzz of back to school excitement. This is especially true since we’re on campus at Western University for their weekly market on Tuesdays and get to see all the excited faces on campus!

The nostalgia sets in as we bake our fritters in the morning and are reminded of school activities, field trips, and dare we say it recess fun!

The classic Apple fritter reminds us of school field trips on the bus to the apple orchard to pick fresh apples. The best part was eating all the fresh apples right off the tree. Plus, this is where we found our favourite apple, the Ida Red, which we use in our fritters today from a local orchard in Blenheim, Ontario!

Our Nutella and Brownie fritters remind us of sharing snacks with friends during lunch time. Can you recall the endless trades that took place with our favourite snacks (or ones mom/dad didn’t pack in our lunch boxes)? Once lunch was over, we were back in our classrooms, meeting new teachers, making new friends and if we were lucky, we left on the first day without homework!

Raise your hand if you could be found in the library with a box of brownie fritters? No judgement!

After school, snacks were the BEST! School sure does make you work up a real appetite. Our Blueberry, Peach and Raspberry fritters remind us of a platter of fresh fruit after a tiring day at school.

It may even remind us of the mix we had in our drinks when we hit Barney’s after class!

After dinner, we would all sit around the table as a family, share desserts and chat about our first day back to school. Can you guess what dessert we had?! If you guessed fritters, you were right! It was the best way to end the first day back to school, with fritters, friends, and family.

What did you or do you love most about back to school?